元々の7人のYa-Ya-yah / The original Ya-Ya-yah
Most fans know about the 4-members Ya-Ya-Yah (Yabu-Hikaru-Taiyo-Shoon) and the 5-members Ya-Ya-yah (Yabu-Akama-Taiyo-Shoon-Hoshino), but fewer know about the original 7-members Ya-Ya-yah, the original unit. They were only featured once on paper, in the 2002 April issue of the Japanese magazine Duet.
The initials of the members surnames formed the name of the group:
Yabu Kota (薮宏太)
Akama Naoya (赤間直哉)
Yamashita Shoon (山下翔央)
Ayukawa Taiyo (鮎川太陽)
Yoshida Yuuki (吉田雄基)
Ando Yasuhiro (安藤靖浩)
Hoshino Masaki (正樹星野)
何年か前には、ウィキペディアに元々のYa-Ya-yahが2002年3月9日に 日本テレビの「THE夜もヒッパレ」番組に出演したと読んだ。インタネットでその番組回を探し始めて、今井翼の海外のファンがアップしたのを見つけた。(その番組回に翼くんも出演した。)あんな古い番組を見つけるのはワクワクした。驚くべき考古学的発見のような気がした。😄そして、映像を観ると、やはり安藤くんと吉田くんはちゃんとそこにいた!😮💥
Some years ago I read in the Japanese Wikipedia that this original unit had appeared in the 2002 March 9th episode of a Nihon TV channel show called "Hit Parade Night". I started searching for it and found a Tsubasa Imai fan had shared it. (Tsubasa appeared on the show that day.) Finding such an old show felt exciting, like making an archeological discovery. 😄And sure enough, when I watched the video, there were Ando and Yoshida! 😮💥
吉田 · 星野 · 赤間 · 翔央 (Yoshida, Hoshino, Akama, Shoon) / 太陽 · 薮 · 安藤 (Taiyo, Yabu, Ando)
The songs in the performance below are:
「花の首飾り」(今井翼 + 元々の7人のYa-Ya-yah / Tsubasa+original Ya-Ya-yah) (Hana no kubikazari)
「好きさ·好きさ·好きさ」(元5人のYa-Ya-yah + ABC) (Suki-sa)
「神様お願い」(今井翼 + 亀梨和也·赤西仁 / Tsubasa + Kame + Jin) (Kamisama onegai)
「うわさのキッス」(元4人のYa-Ya-yah + 亀梨和也·赤西仁 / Ya-Ya-yah + Kame + Jin) (Uwasa no kissu)
「ブルー・シャトウ」(亀梨和也·赤西仁 + ??? / Kame + Jin + ???) (Blue Chateau)
「ボクの背中には羽根がある」(今井翼 / Tsubasa) (Boku no senaka ni wa hane ga aru)
「バン・バン・バン」(今井翼 + 亀梨和也·赤西仁 + 薮·赤間 + ??? / Tsubasa + Kame + Jin + Yabu + Akama) (Ban ban ban!)
It's really funny when near the end Tsubasa appears with wings on his back to sing "Boku no senaka ni wa hane ga aru" ("There are wings on my back"). 😂😂😂
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