
小山慶一郎はYa-Ya-yahにとってお兄ちゃんのような存在だったといつも思った。でも、2007年11月4の少クラを観て、小山くんの優しさ加減に気がついた。/ I always thought Koyama was like a big brother for Ya-Ya-yah. But it was after watching the Shounen Club episode of Nov. 4th, 2007, that I realized how kind he really is. 

その頃、Ya-Ya-yahが解散された。太陽くんが事務所を退社した。それも、その少クラ回にHey!Say!JUMPが紹介された。翔央くんにとって、それはきっと辛い日だったでしょうね。/ Around that time Ya-Ya-yah had been disbanded, Taiyo had left JE and HSJ were introduced in that episode. That must have been a difficult time for Shoon. 


動画の冒頭に、翔央くんが左からステージに入ると、小山くんは彼に「勇気を出して!頑張って!」といいたげに腕を上げて、握りこぶしをつくる。気が利くと思わない、ねえ?/ In this video, when he enters the stage from the left, Koyama raises his arm and makes a fist, as if to say to him, "Be brave! Do your best!". Wasn't that a nice gesture?
