2つのサプライズ / 2 surprises

These are two short videos from fancam DVDs I bought some years ago on Japan Yahoo Auctions. I don't approve of recording video at concerts, stage plays, etc., but as a foreign fan the chance to watch those DVDs was too much of a temptation to resist. It's a pity the quality is not that great. If they had released official DVDs of these, I would have bought them for sure.

一つ目のサプライズは翔央くんが2005年のSummaryに滝沢秀明の曲「Underworld」を演奏したの動画です。(2005.07.31) フル曲を演奏したのはそのときだけだったと思う。翔央くんのダンスは素晴らしかったというのは、かなり控えめな表現だ。彼が銃を撃つ真似をした瞬間やロボットダンスした瞬間など、凄かった〜 😎✨
The first surprise is a video of Shoon's performance of Hideaki Takizawa's song "Underworld" at 2005's Summary. (recorded on 2005.07.31) I think it was the only time he performed the full song. To say that Shoon's dancing in this was amazing is an understatement. I love the part when he mimics shooting a rifle, when he does the robot dance... 😎✨

二つ目のサプライズは翔央くんが2005年のYa-Ya-yahの横浜アリーナコンサートに大野智の曲「Top Secret」を演奏したの動画です。(2005.03.26) 「West Side Story」の稽古中に大野智さん自身が翔央くんにこの曲の振り付けを教えてくれたことは知ってた?😊
The second surprise is a video of Shoon's performance of Satoshi Ohno's "Top Secret" at Ya-Ya-yah's 2005 Yokohama Arena concert.  (recorded on 2005.03.26) Did you know that Ohno himself taught Shoon the choreography for this song during their "West Side Story" rehearsals? 😊
